Spring Clean Your Closet

spring clean your closet

Why Spring Cleaning Your Closet Is Important

Spring is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize your closet. Here are some reasons why you should consider giving your wardrobe a refresh:

  • Helps you evaluate and streamline your clothing choices
  • Creates space for new items you love
  • Reduces decision fatigue & stress in the morning (this is very important)

Steps to Spring Clean Your Closet

  1. Empty Your Closet: Take out all your clothes and accessories to assess what you have. I know this sounds like a lot, but trust me!
  2. Declutter: Sort items into piles of keep (these are the ones you love & that are in good shape), donate (don't love, but are in good shape), and discard (worn or torn).
  3. Organize: Arrange your clothes by category and color for easy access. My closet looks like a rainbow. I tend to dress for my mood so this helps. I also categorize according to specifics like: sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve.
  4. Update Your Wardrobe: Fill any gaps in your essentials and donate items you no longer wear. Life evolves and so do we. Don't feel bad about getting rid of items that no longer serve you or items you aren't in love with anymore.

Tips for Maintaining a Tidy Closet

  • Regularly assess your clothing and accessories to avoid clutter.
  • Invest in quality storage solutions like bins, shelves, and hangers. For hangers, I love the velvet ones. My tops don't slide off and I feel it helps their shape better.
  • Rotate seasonal items to keep your closet organized throughout the year. 

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